Monday, September 2, 2013

Dancing in September

Hello everyone and happy Labor Day!

As days roll on, our plans continue to be revised. My mother's current housing situation has changed and Olive will no longer be joining us on our travels. Although this trip alteration saddens my heart, we continue to march tempestuously into our planning process. That being said, we are eager to announce our latest news: Connor and I have set a date for departure! Our families will be dropping us off in Toledo, Ohio on September 17th. As this date approaches quickly, we are spending our days procuring last minute items, refining our route and spending time with our families and friends.

We spent labor day weekend in Marquette, Michigan; a beautiful place about four hours north of Petoskey. Each year we attend The Marquette Blues Festival as a family, not only to see incredibly talented musicians and to dance, but to visit and play together as a family, too. If you're ever in Marquette, Michigan for Labor Day weekend, I suggest you check out and support the Marquette area Blues Festival.

Here are some photos of our travels north in addition to Connor's twenty first birthday!

Sharing some love at the Blues Festival
My Aunt Kim, Cousin Liz and Mom.

Jumping around.
Flipping about. 
Sharing some snacks atop Northern Michigan for Connor's twenty first birthday.

Our great friend, Pete, and my brother, Guy, celebrating Connor's twenty first! 
Sharing some birthday kisses.

Until next time,


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